Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is a treatment designed to naturally rejuvenate the skin and repair the signs of ageing. PRP uses your body’s own concentrated, nutrient-rich blood plasma to stimulate tissue regeneration and repair through the stimulation of new collagen.

PRP contains a high concentration of platelets, which can be used to help rejuvenate skin, either by injecting it directly or by using it in combination with microneedling/Dermapen skin needling. PRP treatments help boost your natural collagen production to stimulate a youthful glow to the skin.

PRP treatments are performed by drawing a sample of your blood, similar to when you have a blood test, and placing it into a specialised centrifuge device. This process separates the nutrient-rich plasma from the red blood cells. Once separated, the platelet rich plasma is then injected back into the skin or area of concern.


What is the treatment effective for treating?

Tired and dry skin
Laxity of skin
Dark circles
Overall texture and tone improvement

Areas of treatment include:

Peri-orbital (eye area)
Back of the hands


Who is the treatment for?

For individuals over the age of 18, generally 20-60 years of age. Woman and men who want to improve the appearance and health of their skin.

How does it feel?

Everyone’s pain threshold is different when it comes to injections. We aim to make your treatment as comfortable as possible. We use numbing agents and distraction techniques to assist in minimizing discomfort.

Is there downtime?

Swelling and bruising can be a common side effect from a PRP treatment. Depending on the area treated swelling can last approximately 1-2 days, bruising can last a few days to a couple of weeks. We recommend reducing alcohol intake, caffeine, and some supplements such as fish oils 2 weeks prior to treatment to help reduce bruising. If medically safe to do so, and after discussion with your treating nurse and doctor, reduction or ceasing some medications two weeks prior to treatment, such as anti-inflammatories or blood thinners can also help reduce bruising.

When will I see a result?

Depending on the health and age of the skin, treatment area and your desired results, we generally recommend at least 3 treatments at 4-6 weekly intervals for optimum results. Maintenance treatments are then recommended once every 6 to 12 months to ensure lasting results.

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